A Photoshop of Dennis "King Bedhead" Wilson standing in front of a green screen with a green King Bedhead logo superimposed over him.

Dennis “King Bedhead” Wilson III is a lifelong content creator and digital marketing professional based in Philadelphia, PA.

The first piece of content I ever made was a video recording at the Newseum, delivering a weather report. The VHS it lives on, and the rest of my mainly construction paper-based elementary school output are in deep storage in a cardboard box somewhere in New England.

Since then, I have tried my hand at some kind of creative, public-facing content every few years:

  • 2005: Myself and two other boys from the neighborhood start a garage rock band. We play two shows of mostly White Stripes covers.

  • 2007-2009: I try my hand at uploading a series of comedy videos, high school projects, and video game footage to the internet.

  • 2011-2014: I release three hip-hop mixtapes in college. I don’t get laid.

  • 2015: The King Bedhead Soundcloud launches as I pivot to pop, and is sparsely updated.

  • 2018: I update my Twitch channel to King Bedhead branding and begin streaming regularly for a brief but glorious period without fulltime unemployment.

  • 2019: I start working again, but level up to Twitch Affiliate. Get really into Magic and 40k.

  • 2020: Launched KingBedhead.live to collect all of my stuff in one place. Updated this bio.

Today I believe in using the nebulous title of “content creator” as an empowering catch-all for the streamer, poet, painter (40k/acrylic/spray), writer, bodybuilder, hardware hacker, miniature terrain builder, wargamer, photographer, musician, and beyond…

